

Mask Usage Percentage

Mask Effectiveness

Transmission Rate

Transmission Distance

Initial Popation Health

Recovery Percentage

Avg Illnes Duration

Seconds Per Week



How do masks work?

When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or breaths out, particles disperse through the air and become very small, yet still infectious.

Because these particles are so small, it's difficult to prevent other people from breathing them in. Once the particles have dispersed in the air, only the highest quality protective gear, combined with strict fit requirements, would stop you from breathing them in.

However, what if we could stop these particles before they disperse through the air? That's what wearing a mask does. It stops a sick person from spreading their particles in the first place.

This means wearing a mask is about helping other people just as much as it's about helping yourself. When you wear a mask, you're doing it to help your community. And if less people get sick, you're less likely to get sick as well.

It can feel like we have no control over this situation, but wearing a mask lets anyone contribute to making a real difference. So just wear it.

Where can I get a mask?

Where can I learn more?

CDC - Symptom check & the latest COVID news

The Atlantic - The Real Reason to Wear a Mask

Masks4All - Mask Research and Instructions

Fast AI Mask Summary - How Masks Work

How else can I help?


Who made this site?

This website was created by Matt Moss, with help from Maas Lalani. It was inspired by this article in The Atlantic and this interactive essay by Kevin Simler.

Important: While our simulation accounts for basic factors in COVID-19 spread, it is intended to raise awareness and should not be treated as a scientific model. You can learn more from the experts here.

You can also find the project on Github, where you can experiment with our p5.js simulation and contribute. If you've got any feedback or questions, email us or reach out on Twitter!